Diana Saltanovitz Piano Studio

Diana is a very caring and inspiring piano teacher. She is able to enthusiastically encourage the positive and gently focus on the challenges. She keeps our child interested and excited to keep learning. Tracey R.

Diana was a wonderful piano teacher to work with. She is extremely knowledgeable in music and piano and is a very effective teacher. I had played piano years ago and Diana was instrumental in getting me back up to speed. She makes learning fun and she always has a positive and enthusiastic attitude. I would recommend Diana to anyone who wants to learn piano the right way! Lisa C.

She was just the gift I had hoped for! My husband was hesitant at first. Together they identified a few areas to focus and he is enjoying the lessons and the improvement he has experienced in just a month. A spring concert her adult students was a delightful pitch in dinner with great music and conversation. Alison and Gary L.

Diana is a fantastic piano teacher. She is so educated and knowledgeable in piano. Two of my children studied piano for many years with Diana and we learned so much from her, not just music. She is so patient, polite and inventive, always with new ideas that kept my kids excited to go to her class.
Diana is fun and welcoming and we miss her so much now that she has moved to California.
  Rosela M.

Spring Term Lessons begin 

the week of January 6.

Students wear masks for in-person lessons.

Please check out the studio Facebook page